Frankie Archer Entrades

Komedia (Small Room), Brighton.

Frankie Archer

Només per a majors de 14 anys. Els menors d'entre 14 i 16 anys han d'anar acompanyats d'un adult. No es farà cap reemborsament per a les entrades reservades incorrectament.

Tipus d'entrada Cost (valor nominal)? Quantitat
GENERAL ADMISSION £13,20 (£12,00)

Comissions de maneig i dnviament poden aplicar-se a la teva comanda.  

Més informació sobre els tiquets de Frankie Archer


Have you ever been there at the start of something new? Something exciting? Something that crackles with possibilities?” Gavin McNamara (Bristol 24/7) witnessed the power of Frankie Archer’s music. She is fresh on the scene and shaking up genres and traditions, sharing the lesser told sides of stories, championing women, challenging perspectives and calling for a fairer future, all to a unique mix of synths, manipulated samples, drum tracks and earthy fiddle and voice. Having appeared on Later... with Jools Holland at the end of 2023, Frankie is now quickly becoming more widely known.

Frankie Archer’s imaginative and bold mash of electro alt-trad shows her Northumbrian fiddle roots, her deep love of electronic music and her immersion in soulful folk songs from the North East of England and around the world. Mark Radcliffe (BBC Radio 2) described her music as “fascinating and intoxicating”.

Frankie's unique, fresh sound has pricked up the ears of fans and press, earning wonderful reviews from Tradfolk and Fresh on the Net. Her music has been played on BBC Radio 2, 3 and 6music. Over the Border was chosen by Fatea for their Showcase Session and Close the Coalhouse Door was included on the BBC Introducing Mixtape.