Graffiti Classics Entrades

Forest Arts Centre, New Milton.

Graffiti Classics

Els menors de 14 anys han d'anar acompanyats d'un adult. No s'emetrà cap reemborsament a menors de 14 anys que no vinguin acompanyats d'un adult.

Tipus d'entrada Cost (valor nominal)? Quantitat
SEATED TICKET J10 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I1 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I2 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I3 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I4 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I5 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I6 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I7 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I8 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I9 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET I10 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J1 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J2 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J3 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J4 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J5 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J6 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J7 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J8 £19,80 (£18,00)
SEATED TICKET J9 £19,80 (£18,00)

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Més informació sobre els tiquets de Graffiti Classics

16 strings, 8 dancing feet and 4 voices with 1 aim: to make classical music wickedly funny and fantastically exhilarating for everyone. Graffiti Classics burst the elitist boundaries of the traditional string quartet with their hilarious all-singing, all-dancing musical comedy show. It's a classical concert, a gypsy-folk romp, an opera, a stand-up comedy set and a brilliant dance show all rolled into one! There really is something for everyone and Graffiti Classics never fail to get audiences laughing, clapping and singing along. Kids and adults alike love the uplifting and virtuosic variety of musical styles, all tied together with cheeky audience interaction.

"A simply wonderful show!"


"A cabaret that will leave you wanting more"