A Hawk and a Hacksaw Entradas

The Lexington, London.

Solamente podrán acceder los mayores de 18 años - No se harán reembolsos para menores de 18 años

Tipo de entrada Coste (valor nominal)? Cantidad
GENERAL ADMISSION £19,25 (£17,50)

Los gastos de manipulación y entrega pueden aplicarse a tu pedido  

Más información sobre las entradas para A Hawk and a Hacksaw

Eat Your Own Ears presents A Hawk and A Hacksaw at The Lexington.

A Hawk and A Hacksaw was founded in Saumur, France in 2002 by Jeremy Barnes, the drummer of Neutral Milk Hotel, who, completely burnt out by playing the drums, picked up the accordion and became obsessed with folk music from Romania, Hungary, the former Yugoslavia, and Turkey. The band’s name is a reference to Don Quixote, intended as a reminder that while the path chosen is a fool’s quest, there is always the possibility of beauty and discovery along the way.

In the past few years, the pair have taken a break from touring, but still release music. Heather Trost has released three solo records to critical acclaim. They have recently written music for film director Peter Strickland among others. Trost has developed a thriving piano and violin studio in Albuquerque, while Barnes worked with incarcerated and refugee youth and then began teaching drums and engineering records for other musicians. They are very excited to be back on the road this coming Autumn.