Branko Live Entrades

Jazz Cafe, Camden, London.

Aquest esdeveniment és només per a majors de 18 anys. No es realitzarà cap reemborsament per a persones menors de 18 anys.

Tipus d'entrada Cost (valor nominal)? Quantitat
GENERAL ADMISSION £24,75 (£22,50)

Comissions de maneig i dnviament poden aplicar-se a la teva comanda.  

Més informació sobre els tiquets de Branko Live

The Enchufada boss, Branko, brings his diverse range of global club sounds to London with his first headline live show.

One of the key figureheads behind the new Lisbon sound that has been shaking soundsystems around the world, Branko introduced 'zouk bass' to the club scene in 2014. He's also a founding member and creative force behind legendary Portuguese group Buraka Som Sistema.

In celebration of the release of his latest album, Soma, he takes to our stage for a UK-first headline live show, debuting his latest material.