John Bramwell Billets

The Caves, Edinburgh.

John Bramwell

Cet événement est destiné aux 18 et plus - Aucun remboursement ne sera effectué pour les moins de 18.

Type de billet Prix (valeur nominale)? Quantité
STANDING £25,53 (£22,50)
£1 DONATION - THE HUG AND PINT £1,00 (£1,00)
THE HUG AND PINT, Glasgow is a vital community grassroots music venue. In the face of rapidly increasing costs and an audience understandably reluctant to spend more money in a cost-of-living crisis. The Hug and Pint is in need of financial support to help ensure its long-term sustainability. Your donations help to provide a platform for the next generation of artists and are hugely appreciated.

Des frais de manutention et de livraison peuvent s'appliquer à votre commande.