Marcelo D2 Tickets

Jazz Cafe, Camden, London.

Dit evenement verleent alleen toegang aan bezoekers boven de 18 jaar. Er vindt geen restitutie plaats voor bezoekers onder deze leeftijdsgrens.

Ticket type Prijs (Nominale Waarde)? Hoeveelheid
GENERAL ADMISSION £27,50 (£25,00)

Er kunnen verwerkings- en bezorgkosten van toepassing zijn op jouw bestelling  

Meer informatie over Marcelo D2 tickets

A standout figure in Brazil's vibrant music culture, Marcelo D2 has been revolutionising the South American hip-hop scene since the 1990s.

Co-founding the iconic band Planet Hemp in '93, D2 and his compatriots used their explosive blend of rap and rock to deliver powerful social commentary with Classics like "Legalise Já" and "Manter o Respeito".

Beyond that, Marcelo D2's artist journey did not end there - with his revolutionary blend of rap and samba coming to define his career via benchmark albums like "À Procura da Batida Perfeita". His latest work, 2023's acclaimed "IBORU" takes this fusion a step further, dubbed the "new traditional samba," and affirming D2's prowess in reshaping Brazilian music.

Performing live on our stage for the first time since 2019, this Brazilian rap legend returns after 5 years in the intimacy of our home.