Quinn Oulton Biglietti

Headrow House, Leeds.

South London-based multi-instrumentalist, vocalist & producer Quinn Oulton is coming to Headrow House with his jazzy indie-pop sounds. 

Super Friendz presents
Quinn Oulton
Thrsday, 10th October, 2024
Headrow House

Questo evento è riservato alle persone di età superiore a 14. Nessun rimborso sarà dato alle persone di età inferiore a 14 anni.

Tipo di biglietto Costo (valore nominale)? Quantità

Più informazioni su Quinn Oulton biglietti

South London-based multi-instrumentalist, vocalist & producer Quinn Oulton is coming to Headrow House with his jazzy indie-pop sounds. 

Super Friendz presents
Quinn Oulton
Thrsday, 10th October, 2024
Headrow House

South London-based multi-instrumentalist, vocalist & producer Quinn Oulton is known for his unique concoction of electronic, indie and jazz. His recent releases bring contemporary RnB elements into the mix - expect heavily altered vocals, chopped acoustic guitars and fast-paced drums. Quinn also tours and regularly appears on radio and TV playing saxophone alongside 2020 Mercury Nominee, Moses Boyd.