Say She She Billetter

Roundhouse, London.

Say She She

Ingen personer under 14 i området for ståpladser, personer på 0 - 15 skal ledsages af en voksen i ståområdet. Fejlreserverede billetter refunderes ikke.

Kontakt sted for billetter

Billettype Pris (billettens pris)? Antal
LEVEL ONE STANDING £34,85 (£28,50) Billetter ikke tilgængelige
LEVEL TWO SEATS £34,85 (£28,50) Billetter ikke tilgængelige

Når vi har en siddeplan for begivenheder, vil vi gøre alt for at give dig de korrekte informationer. Vi kan imidlertid ikke garantere, at siddeplanen er korrekt i tilfælde af specifikke ændringer med kort varsel eller ændring af sted på grund af produktionskrav. Siddeplanen udleveres normalt kun som en vejledning og er ikke en præcis gengivelse af layoutet på stedet.

Flere informationer om Say She She-billetter

Your name and email address will be shared with Roundhouse in order to facilitate digital ticket delivery.
Digital tickets will be delivered by the venue on the day of the show (e-tickets will not be delivered by See Tickets).
You should expect to receive instructions on how to obtain your digital tickets via email on the day of the show, no later than 5pm when the Roundhouse box office opens.
If you experience any difficulties, speak to the box office when you arrive.
Tickets ordered on the day of the show will be for collection at the Roundhouse box office.


For events with no age limit, under 16's must be accompanied by an adult. For standing concerts, under 14's must purchase a seated ticket in the balcony. If you are lucky enough to look under 25 you will be asked for I.D to purchase alcohol. The venue reserves the right to refuse service.