The Herbaliser Band Entrades

229, London.

Aquest esdeveniment és només per a majors de 18 anys. No es realitzarà cap reemborsament per a persones menors de 18 anys.

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GENERAL ADMISSION £22,00 (£20,00)

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Més informació sobre els tiquets de The Herbaliser Band

Way back In 1995, Ollie Teeba and Jake Wherry AKA The Herbaliser, a sample-based beatmaking duo from Twickenham, South West London, released their debut 12” single ‘The Real Killer’ on UK label Ninja Tune.

They soon followed up with their first LP, ‘Remedies’  Establishing themselves as one of the main features of the Ninja Tune crew, as they expanded their roster of eclectic artists and DJs. The following year, as they were recording their second full length release, ‘Blow Your Headphones’, they extended their output to include an 8 piece live band.

The Herbaliser Band, (which would count among it’s members, the likes of Easy Access, Chris Bowden and Kaidi Tatham) continued on, touring internationally, to great reception, from diverse audiences and would become regulars at a multitude of electronic, dance, dub and jazz festivals, worldwide, for the next 2 decades or so.

Now, in 2024, after something of a hiatus, The Herbaliser Band have reformed with a lineup that currently includes Easy Access AKA Ralph Lamb (trumpet/flugelhorn) & Andrew Ross (tenor/baritone sax-flute), James Morton (alto sax), Micah Moody (drums), Patrick Dawes (percussion) & co-founder Ollie Teeba on the turntables.

An AGMP Concerts presentation.