TRAMHAUS + Support Biglietti

The Hope & Ruin, Brighton.

TRAMHAUS + Support

Questo evento è riservato alle persone di oltre 18 anni - Non verrà concesso nessun rimborso per le persone di età inferiore ai 18 anni.

Tipo di biglietto Costo (valore nominale)? Quantità
VRIJE PLAATSKEUZE £11,00 (£10,00)

All'ordine possono essere applicate le spese di spedizione e consegna  

Più informazioni su TRAMHAUS + Support biglietti

Tramhaus is the daring postpunk sensation from the restless and ever-innovative city of Rotterdam. In the span of its relatively short existence, Tramhaus has managed to make a name far beyond the borders of their hometown. Marked by their joyous and energetic experience, the band has proven to be able to convey this message both in live and recorded settings. The music of Tramhaus feels like a soundtrack to a vivacious, mysterious, and dangerous story. There is no room to lean back as the band takes you with them in a drag race full of emotions and euphoria driven by streamlined, fiery songs mixed with fragile and abstract tones. This whole spectacle is fueled by the near-symbiotic relationship between the five band members.

+ Support