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By Joshua Harmon A beloved grandfather has died and a treasured family heirloom with religious significance is up for grabs. But who is most deserving of it? Bossy, overbearing, fanatically religious Daphna? Her wealthy cousin Liam who's just returned from skiing with his non-Jewish girlfriend Melody? Or Jonah, his brother, who would prefer not to get involved in the fight? A cramped Manhattan apartment becomes the setting for a viciously hilarious quarrel about family, faith and legacy as the contenders set at each other's throats on the night after the funeral. The UK premiere of BAD JEWS has earned huge critical acclaim and enjoyed sold out runs at both the Ustinov Studio, Bath and the St James' Theatre. Cast includes: Jenna Augen (winner UK Theatre Award Best Supporting Performance), Gina Bramhill, Joe Coen and Ilan Goodman.