Deadletter Billets

Saint Luke's, Glasgow.

14+ uniquement. Les mineurs entre 14 et 15 ans doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte. Aucun remboursement ne sera accordé en cas d'erreur de réservation des billets.

Type de billet Prix (Hors frais)? Quantité
STANDING £14,75 (£13,00)
£1 DONATION - THE HUG AND PINT £1,00 (£1,00)
THE HUG AND PINT, Glasgow is a vital community grassroots music venue. In the face of rapidly increasing costs and an audience understandably reluctant to spend more money in a cost-of-living crisis. The Hug and Pint is in need of financial support to help ensure its long-term sustainability. Your donations help to provide a platform for the next generation of artists and are hugely appreciated.

Des frais de traitement et de livraison peuvent s'appliquer à votre commande  

Plus d'informations sur les billets Deadletter

Hailing from Yorkshire, now South London rooted, DEADLETTER channel the droll fury of The Fall and the lopsided rhythms of LCD Soundsystem into a strain of vehement post-punk, exploring the darker side of existence through a lens of narrative-driven levity. With members being firm friends from birth, there is an instinctive understanding of movement and danceability to their music worth its' weight in gold, whilst never cheapening the nuance and grit of their sound.. With four singles now under their belt, the only way is upwards for DEADLETTER.

“One of London’s most exciting bands” – So Young Magazine

“DEADLETTER are one of the most exciting new acts out there.” – DIY"

“The next time someone says to me 'why aren’t the young bands writing about politics anymore’ I might well play them DEADLETTER” – Steve Lamacq