Kneecap Entradas

Foundry, Sheffield.

Solamente podrán acceder los mayores de 14 años. Las personas con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 15 años deben asistir acompañadas por un adulto

Tipo de entrada Coste (valor nominal)? Cantidad
GENERAL ADMISSION £22,00 (£20,00)

Los gastos de manipulación y entrega pueden aplicarse a tu pedido  

Más información sobre las entradas para Kneecap

Kneecap are a Belfast, Northern Ireland-based hip hop trio with the stage-names Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ Próvaí. They sing in Irish and English and often reference their support for republicanism. They first began releasing music in 2017 with their single "C.E.A.R.T.A." (Irish for "RIGHTS" as in human rights). They released their first album, 3CAG, in 2018, and continued to release various singles such as "Get Your Brits Out".