Paul Carrack Entrades

Cliffs Pavilion, Southend.

Paul Carrack
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RESERVED SEATS £52,37 (£45,00)

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Cliffs Pavilion

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Més informació sobre els tiquets de Paul Carrack

After leaving school aged 15 Paul Carrack had one aim in life, to be on the road, playing in a band.

In an astonishingly varied and fulfilling career the Sheffield born singer, songwriter and self taught multi instrumentalist has covered hundreds of thousands, if not millions of miles in pursuit of that dream. Touring and performing LIVE is in his DNA.

Paul's "Golden Voice" is renowned for such global hit's as "How Long", "Tempted", "Over My Shoulder" and the Grammy award nominated ?Living Years'.

His collaborations as a keyboard player have seen him appear on scores of recordings and tours with the likes of Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, Elton John, BB King. His songs have been recorded by The Eagles, Linda Rondstadt, Michael McDonald, Tom Jones and Dian Ross amongst many others.

After 18 months of lockdown during which he has record a new album "ONE on ONE", an amazing set of 9 soulful new compositions and one great cover "Behind Closed Doors", Paul returns to the stage with his fantastic 6 piece band . A night not to be missed.