Siobhan Miller Band Billets

Yellow Arch Studios, Sheffield.

Siobhan Miller Band

16+ uniquement. Les 16s à 17s doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte. Aucun remboursement ne sera effectué en cas de réservation erronée des billets.

Type de billet Prix (valeur nominale)? Quantité
STANDING £19,80 (£18,00)

Des frais de manutention et de livraison peuvent s'appliquer à votre commande.  

Plus d'informations sur les billets Siobhan Miller Band

Join Scotland's folk sensation, Siobhan Miller, as she embarks on her first-ever full band tour this November and December. Bringing the infectious energy of festival arenas to intimate venues across the country, Siobhan, accompanied by her dynamic five-piece band, weave a captivating set spanning her five acclaimed albums.

From the iconic Barrowlands in Glasgow to renowned summer festivals the Siobhan Miller Band is celebrated for its freewheeling, feel-good folk. With a stellar ensemble of musicians, including guitarist Innes White and award-winning fiddler Charlie Stewart, Siobhan's latest release, "Bloom," released in 2022, showcases timeless melodies with
standout tracks like 'I’m a Rover' and 'Queen of Argyll.'

Don't miss the chance to catch Siobhan and her band, in full flight, at venues nationwide – a rare and unforgettable experience.