Taylor Swift Tribute By Katy Ellis - Matinee Show Entrades

Picturedrome, Holmfirth.

Els menors de 14 anys han d'anar acompanyats d'un adult. No s'emetrà cap reemborsament a menors de 14 anys que no vinguin acompanyats d'un adult.

Tipus d'entrada Cost (valor nominal)? Quantitat
STANDING £19,80 (£18,00)

Comissions de maneig i dnviament poden aplicar-se a la teva comanda.  

Més informació sobre els tiquets de Taylor Swift Tribute By Katy Ellis - Matinee Show

Katy Ellis the official UK number one tribute to Taylor Swift.

This award winning show to Taylor Swift is the most prestigious tribute act for Taylor Swift in the UK and some may say, the world. Created, produced and delivered with pride, professionalism and with the highest level of attention to detail. With an incredible live band and dancers this show promises to deliver the most authentic recreation of a Taylor Swift show that you will ever find.

All Ages Show - Unders 14's to be accompanied by Adult 18+