The Tom Robinson Band Biglietti

Concorde 2, Brighton.

The Tom Robinson Band

Questo evento è riservato alle persone di età superiore a 14. Nessun rimborso sarà dato alle persone di età inferiore a 14 anni.

Tipo di biglietto Costo (valore nominale)? Quantità
GENERAL ADMISSION £28.50 (£25.00)

All'ordine possono essere applicate le spese di spedizione e consegna  

Più informazioni su The Tom Robinson Band biglietti

The first Tom Robinson Band emerged amid the turmoil of late 70s Britain - in a time of punk rock, political unrest and economic gloom. TRB became known for the hit single 2-4- 6-8 Motorway, their vocal support of Rock Against Racism and for the anthem Sing If You're Glad To Be Gay, which made the Top Twenty despite a ban by BBC Radio 1.

The original TRB consisted of Robinson on bass and vocals, drummer Dolphin Taylor, keyboardist Mark Ambler and their incendiary guitarist Danny Kustow - who died early in 2019 at the age of 63. They made just two albums - Power In The Darkness and TRB TWO and ended - like the Seventies - just as Margaret Thatcher swept to power.