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By David Ives

Directed by Kat Wootton

In All in the Timing, playwright David Ives is talking about how we talk, and why we talk how we talk, how it's all the same but different, how personality and individuality arises from repetition and structure. He deconstructs our social patterns so we can laugh at our own absurdity, and look at the surprising bursts of honest emotion driving the patterns we fit into. It's all variations on a theme. The play will feel buzzing and lively, breaking the fourth wall and the common 'rules' of theatre just as Ives breaks down the rules of our chat.

Sure Thing
Two people meet in a coffee shop. Anything could happen. Everything does. The scene breaks and restarts, with a ringing bell, to explore the possibilities.

Foreplay, or, The Art of Fugue
Chuck always brings his dates to the mini golf course; he's got his lines rehearsed, he's the perfect Don Juan. Practice makes perfect, right?

Variations on the Death of Trotsky
Trotsky was killed by an assassin who smashed a mountaineering axe into his skull. You can imagine his surprise. Mrs Trotsky breaks the sad news to him (reading from a modern encyclopedia). Pick axe protruding from skull, we see him die again and again, in different moods, each separated by a ringing bell.

Words, Words, Words
Three monkeys, typing into infinity, will eventually produce 'Hamlet'. A familiar saying, meant to explain probability. But what if some clever-clogs scientist actually tried? Three monkeys, Milton, Kafka, and Swift, bash away at their typewriters, pondering the whys and wherefores as they try to spontaneously create Shakespeare.

David Mamet: the quick and dirty version. The boiled-down versions of American Buffalo, Speed-the-Plow, Sexual Perversity in Chicago, and Glengarry Glen Ross.

English Made Simple
Amazing how we can say so much with so little. A man and a woman at a dinner party; same old small talk. But what does it really mean? The narrator breaks it down for you. Those cocktail parties will never be the same.

KDC Theatre is a Central London based amateur theatre group dedicated to providing all those who live or work in London with an opportunity to act in, or be involved backstage on, a play.