AMPLIFEST 2024 Entradas y fechas

A small and independent festival like Amplifest can carry out its crucial work thanks to the constant support, trust and passion of people like you. Production costs are higher than ever, putting on a festival is becoming more expensive every year especially in a peripheral city like Porto, especially in a peripheral economy like the Portuguese. We want Amplifest to remain accessible as possible, we don't want to refrain our community from having equal access so you are free to choose what price suits you best - we at Amplificasom have been booking forward-thinking Artists for 18 years, if you can afford to pay more you are investing in our present and future. Muito obrigado!

No hay eventos para AMPLIFEST 2024 en este momento.

Más información acerca de AMPLIFEST 2024

The 10th edition of our favourite weekend of the year will coincide with Amplificasom's 18th birthday: November 9th + 10th. We can't think of a better way to celebrate it than putting on another forward-thinking edition.

Amplifest has been, since 2011, thought out and carefully designed as an intense experience. Inspired by our past and even celebrating it, as this anniversary edition demands, but always looking into the future at the same time. Therefore, you can expect a genre-defying, boundary-pushing lineup exalting eclecticism, talent, volume, physicality and the underground avant-garde.

The full lineup is now announced and the remaining tickets are already on sale. The world is not the same as it was just a few years ago, and a festival of this scope is a risky endeavour - costs are incredibly high and putting on a festival is becoming more and more expensive with every year that passes, especially when for an independent promoter operating mostly in a peripheral city such as Porto, within an equally peripheral economy such as the Portuguese. A small and independent festival like Amplifest can only carry out its crucial work thanks to the constant support, trust and passion of people like you, so if you really want to go to Amplifest 2024, please secure your ticket as soon as you can.

We live in a crazy world that is getting darker and darker. It is very difficult to forget the tragedy and suffering of others these days. We like to look at moments like the ones we all have together during the festival as a sort of collective catharsis, as something that can offer some comfort and light. We believe we can channel all our energies into one more unforgettable, invigorating weekend of music, so that all of us involved are able to come out of it better people, warmer, happier and more engaged, individually and collectively.

United by sound and, as always, from music lovers to music lovers.
Thank you for joining us and we hope you feel at home at Amplifest 2024.