Da Compaixão - Chove E Sol Em Paris Entradas y fechas

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Más información acerca de Da Compaixão - Chove E Sol Em Paris

Paris. Fatima visits Sophie. Both experience a tragic event: Sophie's daughter was the victim of a terrorist attack committed by Fatima's son. Both died. With them dozens of people.

Text that transports us to our greatest uneasiness, finitude, the loss of a daughter. An act of terrorism carried out by a lone wolf who professes the ideal just like the concept of martyrdom and which leads to the ultimate consequences: killing himself by killing others.

Cast and Crew List:

Text Abel Neves

Directed by São José Lapa

Acting Rita Ribeiro and Paula Guedes

Set Design Mimi Tavares

Styling and Costume Design São José Lapa and Rosinha Ramalho

Light Design Marinel Matos

Video Inês Lapa Lopes

Design Mill

Photography Vitorino Coragem

Production Espaço das Aguncheiras

With support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa

Institutional Partner República Portuguesa | Ministério da Cultura


Host by Teatro da Garagem

With support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, EGEAC, Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria Maior

Financed by Direção-Geral das Artes, Governo de Portugal | Ministério da Cultura


More information:

+351 218854190 | +351 924213570
