Invisible Billets

Désolés, il n'y a actuellement pas de spectacle en vente pour Invisible
After the break-up of Pescado Rabioso, Luis Alberto Spinetta founded Invisible with Carlos Alberto "Machi" Rufino (bass, backing vocals) and H├®ctor "Pomo" Lorenzo (drums). Spinetta had already met these musicians because -between Almendra and Pescado Rabioso- he recorded a solo album, played bass as guest in La Pesada del Rock and Roll and took part in an album of Pappo's Blues. Invisible's first live performance took place in the Teatro Astral, on 23 November 1973 and, the following year, they recorded their first single and their first album, self-titled Invisible. The group secluded more and more in their rehearsals and dropped live performances in small places; they only performed in big theatres or stadiums, but never in festivals. After a long hiatus, they changed recording company (from Talent - Microf├│n to multinational CBS), and announced their second LP, Durazno Sangrando in 1975. The premiere took place in the Teatro Coliseo on 21 and 22 November that year. the title song stands out in the album. A cover version of Amor de primavera, a song originally composed and performed by Tanguito, was the only life sign given by Invisible until the release of their third and last LP. At that moment, the band incorporated Tom├ís Gubitsch as second guitar.