La Fouine Billets

Désolés, il n'y a actuellement pas de spectacle en vente pour La Fouine
Laouni Mouhid, commonly known by his alias La Fouine (English: The Weasel) or Fouiskin (born December 25, 1981 in Trappes, Yvelines), is a French rapper of Moroccan origins from the city of Trappes, Yvelines in the Paris western suburbs. He is an established figure in French rap. La Fouine signed with Sony Records in 2003 and released his debut album, Bourr├® au son, in 2005. La Fouine released his second album, Aller-Retour, on March 12, 2007. The American beatmaker Focus produced four songs on the album. His most recent album, Mes Rep├¿res, was released on February 23, 2009 and is two times gold record in France. His new album, a double CD intituled "La Fouine Vs Laouni" released on February 14 for Valentine's Day, was inspired by the two side of himself, through his career and experience of his daily life. The first one La Fouine, character he created for "entertain people, La Fouine is very cunning, materialistic, bad boy and so vulgar ... it's not really me" said the artist. The second one Laouni (his real name) treats about things he lived in his youth, there his rap is sincere and moving. The week of album's release, more than 25 621 copies were sold in France. A feat for a hip hop artist. He has also his own label "Banlieue Sale Music" and his own clothing line called "Street Swagg".